Imagine this: you’re waiting for a text back from the person you’re seeing, and they just… vanish. No, we’re not talking about my love life; we’re talking about Sports Interactive.

Since October 2024, SI have basically ghosted the Football Manager fanbase.

The Story So Far

For the fans who have invested hours into FM, the wait has turned into an emotional rollercoaster, complete with all the twists and turns of the latest episode of Coronation Street. What should have been a time of excitement has turned into a disappointment.

Let’s break this down a little more:

  • Last Update: October 2024
  • Current Date: January 2025
  • Level of Communication: Witness Protection

My tweet in October captured the optimism many of us were feeling:

Years of work have gone into getting it to this stage, & itโ€™s only going to get bigger! #fm25 and November canโ€™t come soon enough!

Oh, how naรฏve I was!

Community Reaction

One Reddit user summed it up perfectly:

“I’ve had more dialogue with my FM24 backup goalkeeper than Sports Interactive in the last three months.”

There have been a lot of conspiracy theories doing the rounds in the community:

  • They’re actually building a time machine to go back and fix their communications strategy.
  • The game is being hand-coded by chimps.
  • Miles Jacobson is personally motion-capturing all the player movements while juggling footballs.

The humour has helped fans cope with their disappointment. Instead of sitting in despair, we’ve employed laughter as a coping mechanism.

The Hype vs. Reality

The hype was real for FM25. With potential for huge jumps in gameplay mechanics, players were excited to see what the new edition would bring. But as the delay continues, it’s become clear that many feel let down by how things have transpired.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

That’s how much gameplay reveal we’ve had.

Not a single screenshot, trailer, or even a GIF has been spotted since the announcement in October. At this point, we’d probably get excited over a blurry image made in Microsoft Paint.

What do we know so far?

  • Release Date: March 2025 (maybe)
  • Features: [REDACTED]
  • Hype Level: Somewhere between “mildly interested” and “existential crisis.”

How to Survive the Wait for FM25

  • Replay old saves: Dust off the FM19 save where you took a club from non-league obscurity to Premier League glory.
  • Touch grass: Some controversial advice, but stepping outside occasionally can provide perspective (and vitamin D).

A Message to Sports Interactive

Dear Miles and team,

We love you! But also… WHAT IS HAPPENING?

A gameplay reveal would be wonderful. A screenshot would be divine. Heck, at this point, we’d accept a stickman drawing of a football pitch in MS Paint if it meant we got a glimpse of what’s coming.

As players who have poured our timeโ€”and emotionsโ€”into your game, we crave connection and communication. We need to know that our excitement isnโ€™t misplaced and that you’re working hard behind the scenes to deliver something truly special.