First hand accounts of how Football Manager impacts on mental health.
First hand accounts of how Football Manager impacts on mental health.
It's been 3 months and Sports Interactive have left us on read...
This curated list of over 2,000 talented women will help build a diverse and inclusive backroom team.
theFFM Football Manager Spreadsheet—a game-changing tool for FM24 enthusiasts.
"The Worst Football Manager Database Ever", where crazy league formats flip football norms upside down.
A decade-long Football Manager journey with 471,000 players and 123 leagues.
Learn how to reignite your passion with custom databases, challenges, and new ways to play, bringing fresh excitement to your FM save.
Step into the history of football with Football Manager's oldest clubs. Honour legacies, and forge a new path to glory.
DNAjax, an Ajax Football Manager rebuild focused on creating a reliable and consistent team.
Thoughts about the removal of international management in FM25.
It's been 3 months and Sports Interactive have left us on read...
FM25’s cancellation has shocked the community, but there’s hope for FM26...